DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) and RIC (Risk Identification Checklist)
DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) and RIC (Risk Identification Checklist)
In 2012, the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Children's and Adults Safeguarding Boards endorsed the DASH RIC as the preferred common risk assessment tool for use by professionals.
The DASH RIC is designed to be used for those suffering current domestic abuse. It should be completed as close to the time of an incident as possible, within a safe environment and with enough time given to complete the assessment.
The DASH RIC provides a consistent language and aids best practice within multi-agency working. Any professional who is working with the person experiencing domestic abuse can complete the assessment tool. appropriate referral to specialist domestic abuse services, high-risk victims may be referred to the MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference). High risk is determined by the score on the checklist or by the professional’s judgement. By determining whether a victim is at risk of immediate harm or homicide, professionals are able to work together to safeguard the person experiencing domestic abuse and their family.
Further information
See the DASH Video Resource for further information
The DASH Risk Assessment (guidance and checklist) can be found at: