Local Authority Designated Officer (L.A.D.O.)
If you are concerned that someone in a position of trust has harmed a child, or behaved in a way that indicates that they may be unsuitable to be in a position of trust, please contact the LADO to discuss your concerns promptly, before speaking to the person of concern (see contact numbers below).
Local Authorities should have designated a particular officer, or team of officers to be involved in the management and oversight of allegations against people that work with children. Any new appointments to such a role, other than current or former designated officers moving between Local Authorities, should be qualified social workers. See Designated Officer.
Their role is to give advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations; liaise with the Police and other agencies, and monitor the progress of cases to ensure that they are dealt with as quickly as possible consistent with a thorough and fair process. Please see LLR LSCP procedure Allegations Against Persons Who Work With Children.
Leicester City Council LADO based within the Safeguarding Unit
To make a LADO referral to the Leicester City Council please complete the referral form below and send to the email address below.
We will read the form within 4 hours and respond within 24 hours.
Tel: 0116 454 2440
Leicestershire County Council LADO
LADO Allegations Line 0116 305 4141
LADO Allegations Email: CFS-LADO@leics.gov.uk
Rutland County Council
Tel: 01572 758 407