Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)

About us:
The Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Child Death Overview Panel has been set up by the Child Death Review Partners (Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council, & Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board) to review the deaths of children under the requirements of the Children's Act, 2004 in accordance with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 & Child Death Review Statutory & Operational Guidance (England) 2018.
The Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) undertakes a review of all deaths of children who are resident within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). It meets regularly to complete a multi-agency evaluation of all child deaths in the area.
The Child Death Review Manager and Designated Doctor for Child Deaths, on behalf of the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Child Death Review Partners, oversee notifications and report any areas of concern to the Safeguarding Children Partnership. Reviews are carried out in line with statutory guidance, to understand the circumstances, identify factors which may have contributed, and consider whether any of those factors can be modified to reduce risks for children in the future.
The Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) aims to identify local lessons and issues of concern and, where appropriate, to advocate the need for changes in policy, practices and public awareness. The aim is to promote child health and safety and help prevent child deaths.
For families:
Ensuring that families have support and the opportunity to participate in the review process is central to our work.
These pages contain information describing the arrangements and processes in our area for carrying out the required review after a child has sadly died. There is also information about some of the learning themes from reviews.
The National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) 'Information for families' explains more about the review process and has links to additional resources:
If you have any questions, you can speak with your Review Nurse / Key Worker or contact the Review Team using the details below.
For professionals: How to notify us about the death of a child
All notifications are now made via eCDOP, a secure web-based platform (no username or password are required):
CDOP needs to be informed of all child deaths within LLR. Notification can be received from any professional who becomes aware that a child has died. Reviews are usually carried out by the CDOP covering the child's area of residence - if the child was not usually resident in LLR, the Child Death Review team will send the notification on to the correct area CDOP.
Contact details for the LLR Child Death Review team:
Melvinna West, CDOP Administrator – / 07785 350 914
Please see below for further information:
LLR Child Death Review Arrangements