The Safeguarding Children Partnerships of Leicester and Leicestershire & Rutland appreciate that not all learning is through a training course or programme.
To support and reinforce professional learning there are some resources including film clips and live pdfs that can be used individually or in teams.
Building Confidence in Practice Resource Packs
These live pdfs have been developed with the Safeguarding Adults Boards to look at safeguarding topics that cut across all areas and provide a resource that can be used.
A series of 7 minute briefings have been created as a learning aid for use in supervision, team meetings, or just as a reminder of the key issues around a particular theme or current issue.
What is an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?
This is a short information module in live pdf format, that looks at all aspects of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Safeguarding - What does this mean?
An introductory briefing for individuals working with children and families.
How mindfulness can support your mental health both at work and at home.
Thinking about what people really mean and how to talk to people is fundamental to our life and work. Understanding that all behaviour is a form of communication.
These learning resources listed above can be accessed here.
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You can now follow us to see our professional learning videos and news
on YouTube: LLR Safeguarding Children Partnerships - YouTube
and Twitter: LLR SCPs Training