Out of School Settings
Keeping Children Safe - parents and carers
Introduction – What is an Out of School Setting?
An ‘out-of-school setting’ (sometimes referred to as OOSS) is a term used for organisations/agencies providing a service or activity to children aged under 19 years in England that is not a school, college, 16 – 19 academy or registered childcare provider. Generally these are provisions that children attend without their parents or carers supervision.
Many children and young people attend a variety of out of schools settings and activities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. These settings provide an important service to children in our community with opportunities to gain useful skills, make new friendships and improve their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
They are generally run during evenings, weekends and school holidays, although some are part-time during school hours to meet the needs of those in-home education. Subjects are varied and range from sport, arts, language, learning a musical instrument, joining a youth organisation, such as scouts and guides, doing extra maths and English in a tuition centre and education in their own faith.
The information provided on this page aims to equip out of school settings with the guidance and tools to deliver a safe setting to the children and young people using their services. It will be helpful to individuals and organisations who are considering setting up an out-of-school-setting and for those who already have, regardless of the size or type.
This advice helps advocate best practice which can be effortlessly delivered and importantly maintained, helping to ensure that not just children and young people enjoy the many thousands of varied activities that are on offer throughout England, but everyone connected to an out-of-school-setting can enjoy the benefits of being part of this most diverse and important sector.
Government Guidance
The DfE published guidance in April 2022 – Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings. It covers advice on what policies and procedures providers should have in place for health and safety, safeguarding and child protection, staff suitability and governance. There is also guidance for parents and carers intended to help them in identifying safer settings for their child/children.
The guidance covers:
community activities;
after school clubs;
supplementary schools;
music lessons;
sports training; and
other activities for children that take place without parents or carers supervision that are not a school, further education provider, or Ofsted registered early years provider or registered childminder.
The code and other materials were developed in collaboration with the sector and other stakeholders such as Ofsted and the Charity Commission.
What should an OOSS have in place in relation to safeguarding?
As a minimum, out of school settings are recommended to have:
Safeguarding training, including refresher, for staff and volunteers
Safeguarding Self-Assessment Checklist
A safeguarding policy
Staff Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing Policy Statement
Health and safety procedures including insurances and fire safety
DBS checks for staff and volunteers delivering direct work – see government guidance.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance
Complaint’s procedure for service users
Voluntary Sector Organisations
There is government guidance on safeguarding in the voluntary sector.
Useful Links:
NSPCC: Safeguarding in the performing arts
NSPCC – Child Protection in Sport Unit
They have a parents resources section
List of national governing bodies (Sports)
This alphabetical list covers most sports in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts
National Lottery funded/ Sport England managed project looking at supporting martial arts instructors with their safeguarding provision. The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts recognises clubs or providers who have demonstrated a commitment to maintaining good safeguarding standards so, everyone participating and engaging in Martial Arts can have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Faith groups
NSPCC - Safeguarding in faith communities
The Inter Faith Network (IFN)
Network of different faith organisations
This list covers both national and lock membership list
Evangelical Alliance
The Evangelical Alliance is Christian based and is made up of hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals. Representing members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK.
Membership list
Independent Christian charity offering support and advice about safeguarding and development of procedures. working with faith groups from all four nations of UK. They have thousands of members organisations particularly small local churches of any denomination. They also facilitate DBS checks to organisations.
Uniform organisations
Army Cadets
Safeguarding section
Royal Air Force Cadets
Safeguarding section
Sea cadets
Safeguarding section
Safeguarding section
Safeguarding section