Introduction to Neglect - Session Content :
- Recognize signs and symptoms of children and young people who are, or may be neglected
- Identify concerns about parenting capacity that may contribute to neglect
- Identify family and environmental factors which may contribute to neglect
- Understand the importance of looking beyond single incidents (cumulative harm)
- Introduction to the LLR LSCPB Neglect Toolkit
- - This learning provides knowledge that will contribute to the LLR Competencies 1-14
Working Together to Achieve an Effective Referral- Session Content :
- Safeguarding Children Thresholds are changing in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This training will help you understand the changes, what they mean for you and how you can make a referral using the new Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF).
- Know how to make good quality referrals when there is a concern about a child
- Understand the Threshold for Services
- Understand the parameters of sharing information
- Understand how to use the Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF)
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of those involved in a referral
Core Awareness in Safeguarding Children and Young People - Session Content :
- Understand what is meant by safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and how this impacts on your role
- Understand the legal context of safeguarding
- Know the different forms of abuse and neglect
- Be aware of some of the signs and indicators that might cause concern
- Know what makes children and young people more vulnerable to abuse and neglect
- Understand statutory requirements governing consent, confidentiality and information sharing
- Understand recording and reporting procedures within the context of your own work.
- Understand the barriers to sharing concerns
- - This learning provides knowledge that will contribute to Competencies 1-11 in the Safeguarding Children Competency Framework
Signs of Safety Half Day Introductory Briefing -Session Content :
- Leicester City Council has adopted the Signs of Safety model for working with children and families. The use of the model will be seen in a range of assessment and multi-agency activities that support and safeguard children e.g. Child Protection Conferences, Core Groups, Children's Social Care and Early Help referrals and Looked after Children reviews etc.
- - This half day introductory briefing session will provide:
- An awareness of the basic principles, values and key elements of the approach
- Understanding of how the approach will be used in practice to support children, young people and their families
- Opportunity to reflect on how the approach will be reflected in your day-to-day practice
- Opportunity to meet with key leads for Signs of Safety from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Safeguarding in Context : BP in Safeguarding for the Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) -Session Content :
- The aim is to enable the VCS to understand the valuable part they play in safeguarding from prevention to child protection and share information about any recent changes.
Working Together in Child Protection Planning - Core Group Training - Session Content :
- - By the end of the session participants will:
- Understand what a core group is and its purpose
- Understand your role and responsibility as a Core Group member
- Know how to prepare for a Core Group
- Know what to do if you have any concerns between the Core Group and Review Conference
- Understand the different challenges to Core Groups and how to manage professional disagreement
Multi-Agency Working Together - Session Content :
- The legislation, process and procedure of a s47 investigation.
- Roles and responsibilities of agencies in the process, including data protection, information sharing, reporting and recording.
- The principles and process for effective collaboration and the importance of interagency working, including being able to forge and sustain relationships throughout the process.
- Effective communication, confidence building and professional challenge, including escalation.
- Professional dilemmas such as managing differing viewpoints.
- Case material and outcomes from serious case reviews to better understand how to achieve good outcomes for children and families.
- Factors that may create additional vulnerability such as disability, diversity & socio-economic status for children and families
- Consider the case material within the Signs of Safety approach.